Lesson 3- Noah’s Ark

arc-2229616__480Noahs Ark

 Lesson Aim:

  • To teach the story of Noah’s Ark and the names of new animals the children may not yet know.
  • To help the children understand how much sin saddens God but how also He loves our obedience.

Game 1: Find the Matching Animal in the Ark

Set Up

  • You will need pairs of animal picture cards or toys animals (enough so that each child will have 1 animal from each pair).
  • Place the animal cards or toys in a bag.



  1. Ask the children to stand in a circle and close their eyes.
  2. Hand out one animal to each child.
  3. Ask the children to turn around and take five steps with their eyes still closed. (Ensure it is safe to do so.)
  4. Tell the children that you have given them an animal and that in a moment they must find someone who has the same animal.
  5. When the teacher says, “Go” they need to open their eyes and make the noise of the animal they are holding as loud as they can.
  6. Ask them to practice making their noises first.
  7. Give the command to start. The younger ones may need help finding their partner. As this is a fast game ask if the children would like to play again.


Game 2: The Musical Rainbow

Set Up:

  • Place coloured paper or hoops on the ground in a circle.
  • Prepare a CD player or a song to sing.
  • Prepare a list of silly actions for the children to do (i.e “Pat your head and make a funny face.” or “Jump up and down 5 times.”).


  1. When the music plays the children are to walk around the circle of coloured papers. Their feet however are not allowed to touch the paper while they are walking.
  2. When the music stops the children must put their foot on the nearest piece of paper to them.
  3. Once the children have their foot on a colour, the teacher must close her eyes and call out a colour.
  4. Everyone with their foot on the selected colour must do something silly chosen by the teacher. The more silly the tasks the more fun it will be!
  5. As this game has no defined end the teacher can choose when to end it. If the children are beginning to loose interest let them know how many more last times the game will be played and finish.


Storytime: Noahs Ark

Ask the children to sit down while the story is being read. If using your own storybook, read through the story asking the children if they know what will happen next.

Video: Noah’s Ark Animation

noahs ark video.png

Click here to view video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JZHXkI9BB4

Optional Script:

Many years after Adam and Eve lived the people became bad. They began to fight and hurt each other. They even forgot about God. This made God very sad so he decided he must stop all the bad people.


There was one good man who still loved God. His name was Noah. God told him to build a huge boat big enough room to put lots of animals. So Noah build a huge boat. It took him a very long time and all the naughty people laughed at him.


Finally the boat was finished and God asked Noah to take 2 of every kind of animal and put them in the boat. When Noahs family and all the animals were in the boat God closed the door.

animals in boat

Then suddenly it began to rain. It rained and rained until no land, no houses and no trees could be seen. The wind blew and the rain poured down but Noah’s family and the animals were safe inside the Ark.


Finally the rain stopped and very slowly the water began to go down. Noah waited  and waited and finally the ground was dry enough to walk on. So God opened the door and everyone came out. All the bad people were gone and God promised to never flood the world again. To show His promise He placed a rainbow in the sky.



Prayer Time:

Ask the children if they have ever seen a big rainstorm like the one in the story. Talk about how dangerous the rain and floods can be. Ask why God had to send the flood.  Discuss how God feels when we sin and how we can be forgiven. Ask the children if there is anything they want God to forgive them for or anything else they want to pray about.


Song: Old Man Noah

Before you sing the song hand out a toy animal to each child. Let the children have a turn singing about their animal in each verse.

Option 1: Hillsong Kids – Rainbow

Rainbow hillsong Kids

Click here to view video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1LAHPTXqbw


Option 2: Old Man Noah

(Sing to the tune of Old MacDonald Had A Farm)

Old Man Noah had an Ark,

E, I. E. I. O

And on that Ark he had a _________(replace with animal of your choice) E. I. E. I. O

With a _____ _____ (replace with animal noise) here,

And a _____ ______ (replace with animal noise) there,

Here a ______ there a _______

Old Man Noah had an Ark

E, I, E, I, O


Craft: 3D Noahs Ark

  1. Photocopy the 3D Noahs Ark templates on to brown or orange A4 paper. Ensure there are enough copies for each child.
  2. Cut out the Ark pieces by cutting along all black lines.
  3. Fold in blue tabs.
  4. Tape the roof of the Ark in place on the inside where the tape cannot be seen.
  5. The children may like to colour or decorate their Ark to finish.

3D Noahs Ark.png

Download template here Kids Tine With Jesus- 3D Noah’s Ark Craft Template

Free Play

Encourage the children to re-enact the Noah’s Ark story as they play. You may also like to give the children some playdough to make animals for their Arks. If a DVD player is available the Noahs Nook Awesome Stories of Faith DVD is a good version for the children to view.