

Teaching Aim

Every lesson plan has a theme that is carried throughout each activity. While there are many activities to get through, the ultimate aim is to encourage and strengthen the children’s relationship with God.  Even if an activity doesn’t seem a success it can still be used to demonstrate some aspect of God’s character or how he wants to shape each child to be more like Him. As a teacher, always be on the alert for opportunities to teach the children how to share, sacrifice for a friend, learn about God’s awesome power, share about God to their friends or learn how much they are valued by God and by those around them. The lesson plans have been written as a resource but may not always be the most suitable avenue of teaching. Use creativity and wisdom in adapting the plans if needed. Be excited about how God may use you to inspire the children you teach. Pray for the Holy Spirit to anoint you and guide you as carry out each lesson. Give yourself time to prepare both spiritually and physically.

Most importantly enjoy your teaching experience and have fun!

Using the Lesson Plan Resources

The lesson plans have been designed to provide enough material for a 2 hour lesson duration. The lesson length can be adapted by omitting or adapting activities. The lesson structure aims to let the children have fun while they learn. The games played in the beginning of the lessons are aimed to help expel restless energy and capture interest in the lesson. It is hoped that children will then be able sit calmly and listen to the story and participate in later activities.  An optional worship song is also included for children who like to sing. The story should be the focal point of each lesson.  While children are focused on the principles taught in the story it provides a good opportunity to ask children to open their hearts to share their needs and pray about them. The craft may loose focus due to the wide age gap between children being taught. Encourage the older children to help the younger ones or if not too distracting those finished early may be allowed to go on to free play.  Most resources required for each lesson are provided but you may need to provide some yourself.

 Kids Time Run Sheet- Sample

Time (2 hours)


15 mins

Set Up

  • Star charts up for children to see.
  • Clear away any toys that will distract attention.
  • Make a “Time-Out” zone.

30 mins

Afternoon Tea (optional)– Wash hands and say grace before eating. Bring something healthy to share.

30 mins

Games– Everyone must play! Encourage children to have fun not just to win.

15 mins

Story Time– Ensure children are sitting down and listening.

10 mins

Prayer Time– Encourage children to talk about issues they are facing & pray for each other Song– Sing with actions.

10 mins

Song– Sing with actions without music is easier.

30 mins

Craft– Help children with difficult steps. Encourage children to help each other.

15 ins

Clean Up & Free Play– Ensure children are safe and playing well together. ALL must help tidy up.


Check out our lessons here. There are new ones being added all the time.

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Lesson 17- Jesus Feeds 5 Thousand

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Lesson 16- Jesus Calms the Storm


Lesson 15- Jesus Disciples


Lesson 14- Jesus is Tempted


Lesson 13- Jesus in the Temple 


Lesson 12- Joseph Feeds His Family


Lesson 11- Jonah & the Big Fish

baby moses

Lesson 10- Abraham & Sarah


Lesson 9- Daniel & The Lions

castle wall

Lesson 8- Joshua at Jericho


Lesson 7- Queen Esther

Lesson 6- Escape from Egypt

baby on water

Lesson 5- Baby Moses


Lesson 4- Easter


Lesson 3- Noah


Lesson 2 -Adam & Eve


Lesson 1- Creation