Lesson 15- Jesus Disciples

boat-2651864_1280.jpgLesson Aim

  • To teach the story of Mathew 3:18 where Jesus chose His Disciples.
  • To help the children want to follow Jesus like the disciples.



Gather the children together and explain they will play some games in a moment. Before playing explain the reward system in place and show the children their smiley faces.

Game 1: Jesus Says


  1. This is version of Simon Says. Ask children to stand together in front of the teacher.
  2. The teacher must give verbal instructions for the children to follow. (i.e touch your nose).
  3. If the teacher says “Jesus says” before the instruction, the children must follow. If the teacher doesn’t say this, the children must not follow.
  4. Trick the children by giving instructions quickly or demonstrating the wrong action.
  5. Give children turns at being the leader.


Game 2: What Can You Do Punchinello?


  1. Ask children to stand in a circle facing the middle.
  2. Sing the “What Can You Do Punchinello? Song and let each child take a turn leading the action.


What Can You Do Punchinello?

What can you do Punchinello funny fellow?

What can you do Punchinello funny man?

We’ll do it to Punchinello funny fellow.

We’ll do it to Punchinello funny man?



Click here to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9rAUqvisKo


Option 1- Video: Jesus Disciples

Ask the children to sit on the blue mat/table for story time.  Before you begin the story ask children if they remember what the story last time was about. Read the story answering questions as you go.

Jesus Disciples.png

Click here to view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGPKUA0Xki4

After the children watch ask these questions:

  1. Who was the man that ate the grasshopper?

Answer: John the Baptist

2. Why did Jesus go into the water?

Answer: There were too many people.

3. What did Jesus ask the fishermen to do?

Answer: Put their nets into the water to catch fish.

4. Did they catch fish?

Answer: Yes, lots!

5. What did Jesus ask the fishermen to do after they caught their fish?

Answer: Follow him.

Option 2- Picture Story 

Jesus was alone. He wanted to start the work His father had sent Him to do but He had no one to help him. He decided to search for some friends that would travel with him and help him tell people about God.


One day he was saw some fishermen, Peter and Andrew. He asked them if he could use their boat. He was speaking to big crowd on the beach and the crowd was so big it was pushing him into the water. So the Peter and Andrew agreed and listened to Jesus as He taught the crowd of people from his boat.


When He finished teaching he told the fishermen to throw their nets into the sea to catch some fish. “Oh no,” they refused. “We’ve been fishing all day. We couldn’t catch anything!”


Jesus didn’t listen. He asked them to try again. So they did. Do you know what happened? When they pulled up the nets they were bursting with fish. The fishermen were amazed!


Then Jesus asked them something very important,”Will you follow me?” What do you think the answered? Yes, they answered “Yes.” Jesus had new friends to help him. Later he found 10 more.

Andrew man-312633__480disciple man-312635__480.png

Prayer Time

Ask the children if they are following Jesus. Ask them what this means. Explain that it means that Jesus is your BEST friend and you want to do everything that makes Him happy. Discuss things you can do for your best friend that makes them happy (i.e. share, listen, talk). Explain that Jesus also likes us to do these things with Him to:

With God you can do the same things as with friends:

  • Talking: Praying
  • Listening: Feeling the right thing to do in your heart.
  • Sharing: Giving things to other people
  • Saying Nice Things: Worshipping or Singing and Dancing for Jesus.what things Satan uses



Option 1: Try to Follow Jesus (Version of Do The Hoky Poky)

Ask children to stand in a circle and sing a song about following Jesus. Change each verse to a different body action as you sing and follow the actions.


Try To Follow Jesus

(to the tune of Hoky Poky)

You put your right hand in,

You put your right hand out,

You put your right hand in and you shake it all about,

You try to follow Jesus and you turn it all around

And that’s what it’s all about



Oh, Try to follow Jesus (Hold hands and move to the middle of the circle and back out again))

Oh, Try to follow Jesus (Hold hands and move to the middle of the circle and back out again))

Oh, Try to follow Jesus (Hold hands and move to the middle of the circle and back out again))

And that’s what it’s all about

Alternative actions (left hand, right foot, left foot, whole self, head)

Hokey Pokey.png

Click here to view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6rylLqYV3M


Option 2: On the March 

On the March.png

Click here to view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BivkhxUSrAI



  • “I will follow Jesus” Boat Template printed
  • Straws/ Paddle Pop Sticks
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Make It

  1. Hand out the templates and ask children to cut around the outside of the boat.
  2. Fold alone the center black line and glue the boat together.
  3. Hand out the sail template and cut it out.
  4. Glue the sail onto the straw and then glue the straw onto one side of the boat.

I will follow Jesus Boat

Click here to download the printable version kidstimewithjesus Template I will follow Jesus Boat