Lesson 4- Easter


Lesson Aim:

  • To give the children the understanding that Jesus died for them so they could become friends.


Game 1: Egg & Spoon Race


  • 2 boiled eggs (You may need spares!)
  • 4 plastic soup ladles


  1. Ask children to make 2 lines.
  2. The teacher stands a few meters in front.
  3. Give each team an egg and 3 soup ladles each. One ladle is for the first person in the line and the other for the next person.
  4. Each team must balance their egg in the soup ladle and run to the teacher and back to their team. They then transfer the egg to the next person in the line holding the other soup ladle.
  5. The first team to have all members run to the teach and back without pulverizing their egg, wins.

Game 2: Eggs in the Basket


  • a container of small balls (approx 20)
  • 4 buckets


  1. Place all of the balls in a pile.
  2. Separate the children into 4 group with a bucket each.
  3. When the teacher says,”Go!” the children must race to the middle and collect 1 ball to put in their bucket.
  4. Only 1 child from each team can run at a time and collect 1 ball at a time.
  5. The team with the most balls is the winner.

Robbing the Nest.png

Click here to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nkj8WnT0upk

Story: Easter

Option 1: Video- Bible for kids | It is finished | Funny Games

Easter Video.png

Click here to view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii_w5Tg1gCM

Option 2: Easter Play

Assign roles and ask children to act out the story as you read.


  • Jesus
  • Jewish Leader
  • Pontius Pilate
  • Soldier
  • Angel

Story Script

Hi everyone. Today we’re going to tell the story of Easter! First we need to introduce out star, Jesus. Jesus is God’s son- all round perfect guy and the Son of God! (Big cheer for Jesus.)

Next we have a Jewish Leader. This guy was not nice. He hated Jesus and wanted him dead. (Gasp!) So the Jewish Leader went to a man named Pontius Pilate to ask him to kill Jesus.

Pontius Pilate was the leader of the Roman soldiers who kept law in order in Jesus’ time. He wasn’t a bad man but he thought he had to listen to the Jewish leaders and said Jesus must die.

So the soldiers came and arrested Jesus. They put him on a big wooden cross and killed him.

After he died they put his body in a big stone tomb like a cave but do you think the Son of God would stay like that? Do you think the God who made the entire universe would let His son die like that?…….NO WAY!!!! Get up Jesus! You’re not dead anymore.

3 days after Jesus died an angel came and rolled the big rock in front of the tomb away. Jesus came out. He was alive!

Prayer Time

Ask the children why Jesus really died. Explain that Jesus didn’t have to die because Pontius Pilate said so. God was stronger than that. He let Jesus die because of our sin. We all do bad things and we need to be able to wash them away. The only way to do that is through Jesus. When he died he took ALL our badness and put on the cross. All we need to do to get rid of our sins is to give them to Jesus.


Thank you for dying for us on the cross. Please forgive me for all the bad things I have done. I want to give them to you and be washed clean. I want to be your friend.




Option 1: Easter Time

As you sing the song make up some actions for the children to follow.

Easter Time

(Sing to the tune of Jingle Bells)

Easter Time, Easter Time

There’s so much to do,

Time for Bunnies, time for eggs

But time for Jesus too.


Oh, Easter Time, Easter Time

Jesus showed His love,

He died for us and rose again

And went to heaven above


Option 2: Jesus Loves Me (Hillsong Kids)

Jesus Loves Me Hillsong Kids.png

Click here to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HAfYrQx1k8


Craft: Coloured Eggs


  • 24 boiled eggs (or enough for 2 for each child)
  • Crayons
  • Containers of food dye and vinegar (1 cup vinegar to 2 tablespoons of food dye)
  • Newspaper (to dry eggs on)


  1. Give 1 egg to each child and ask them to gentle decorate their egg with crayon.
  2. Dip decorated eggs into food dye until the shell absorbs the colour.
  3. Dry on Newspaper.

easter eggs